Discover top talent worldwide!

The innovative HR platform designed to simplify application reviews. Our platform efficiently reduces HR workload and identifies top candidates for your team in a bias-free manner by analysing CVs and cover letters. With help of PICKEY, recruiters can easily conduct screening interviews via chat or video.

Reduce HR workload

Analysing CVs and cover letters
Identify top candidates
Remove bias
Valuable insights
Save time and effort




Our process ensures fairness by removing personal information such as full name, nationality, gender before AI analysis, allowing for objective results based only on relevant factual information.


Pickey assesses candidate resumes and interviews like a skilled HR manager, using advanced logic and understanding of context.


With Pickey, you can easily review and rank candidates' CVs anytime, even while you enjoy a coffee or tea break, using our fast and efficient process.


AI interviewer

CV Scanning

Candidate ranking

AI Interviewer

Step into the future of hiring with our AI interviewer. Conduct seamless pre-screening interviews via chat. Gain valuable insights, effortlessly compare candidate responses, and conduct behavioural interviews. Easily create interview questions, whether they're technical or simply background checks.

CV and cover letter analysis

Empower your hiring process with AI-driven CV and cover letter analysis. Effortlessly categorize candidates based on skill levels ('Strong', 'Average', or 'Low') across various document formats, ensuring seamless identification of top talent.

Candidate ranking

Experience the ease of navigating through detailed reports, leaving personalised comments, and effortlessly sorting and filtering candidates to discover the perfect match for your team. Our AI ensures fairness by not considering factors like name, nationality, or gender, making your hiring process smooth and unbiased.

be pickey,
the best